Smart Life Conference

Smart Life Conference

  • Event Duration2024-10-11
  • LocationSTUDIO 159
  • OrganizerSeoul Digital foundation(Collaborating Organization: Korea Society of IT Services)
  • Cost Free
  • Keywords #Smart Life #Smart City #Conference #Latest Technology #Excellent Cases

Conference contents

    Smart Life Conference*Collaborating Organization: Korea Society of IT Services

    This conference provides a platform for domestic and international stakeholders in smart cities to exchange global information, including the latest technological applications in everyday life.

    • Date: October 11, 2024 (Friday), Afternoon
    • Venue: STUDIO159
    • Audience: Open to domestic and international stakeholders interested in smart life
    • Key Topics: Discussion of excellent cases and latest issues in global smart life through AI transition
    Date Topics
    13:00 ~ 13:20Opening Ceremony
    • ㆍOpening Remarks
    • ㆍWelcoming Remarks and Congratulatory Remarks
    • ㆍKeynote Speech   
      - AI, the Core Technology Essential for the Future
    13:20 ~ 14:30SessionⅠ Mobility

    How Far Has AI-Based Mobility Developed?

    • · Core algorithms and current applications of autonomous driving
    • · Mobility applications utilizing generative AI
    • · Innovation in space and mobility through AI-based mobility
    14:30 ~ 14:40Break
    14:40 ~ 15:50SessionⅡ Smart Home

    How Smart Can Everyday Life Get?

    • · AI reaching entertainment in daily life
    • · Personal data protection and data security in smart homes
    • · Latest AI home security and safety solutions
    15:50 ~ 16:00Break
    16:00 ~ 17:10SessionⅢ Digital Twin

    The World of AI, AR+VR+Metaverse

    • · Preventing disasters through digital twin
    • · Future brought by augmented & virtual reality
    • · Convergence of technologies for the metacity
    17:10 ~ 17:30Conclusion and Closing Ceremony
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