
Realizing an attractive smart city that aids the vulnerable

  • Human-
    Discovering and disseminating digital inclusion policies that
    reflect the vision of 'walking with the Socially
    Neglected' pursued by the human-centered Seoul Metropolitan
    Government Tech- InnovaCity
  • Tech-
    Discovering and disseminating innovative policies
    that will lead to the realization of attractive
    smart cities that improve quality of life for residents

WeGO (World Smart City Organization) and the Seoul Metropolitan Government established the ‘Seoul Smart City Prize' in September 2022 to realize a smart city in which people from around the world can lead happy lives together and provide a place for sharing, and the 2nd Prize ceremony will be held this year as well. The 'Seoul Smart City Prize' aims to contribute to bridging the gap between cities around the world by discovering projects with development potential as well as the excellent policies of advanced cities, and to support and encourage global cities and companies in growing together.