Award in 2024


Seoul Smart City Prize (Seoul Smart City Prize)

Management System

WeGO (World Smart City Organization), co-hosted by Seoul Metropolitan Government

  • Domestic and foreign representatives. Forming a promotion committee of experts to secure international public trust
Participants Domestic and foreign city governments, institutions, companies, and individuals
Prize categories Projects (People-Centered, Technological Innovation), Leadership, Special Prizes
How to Participate

Online application submission( )

  • Application Submission

    Seoul Smart City
    Prize Submission

    2024. April 1~July 14
  • 3-Stage Evaluation

    Document Screening: Eligibility assessment
    → Selection of Finalists
    → Selection of the Ultimate Winner

    June~August, 2024
  • 시상식 초청 안내

    Notification of ceremony invitation Confirmation of attendance

    September, 2024
  • Prize Ceremony

    Presentation and announcement of winners

    October 10 (Thu), 2024
Prize Ceremony

October 10 (Thu)~12 (Sat), 2024 ※ In conjunction with Seoul Smart Life Week

  • Event Date and Time : October 10, 2024 (Thu) 15:00~17:00 (Time required: 2 hours)
  • Event Venue : COEX (Livestreamed on YouTube)
  • Attendees : 100~150 people (Mayors, domestic and international dignitaries, judges, prize recipients, etc.)
  • Event Details : Mayor's welcome speech, congratulatory remarks from speakers, progress report, Prize presentations, judges' comments, acceptance speeches, etc.
Prize Benefits

Prize certificates and trophies, forum presentations, exhibition setup, domestic and international channel promotion, etc.

  • Presentation and promotion of Prize-winning projects at the Seoul Smart City Forum, including support for promotional booth operation
  • Support for pre-feasibility studies and pilot project development based on the needs of participating international cities
  • Invitation to capacity-building training courses for public officials and corporate staff from international cities
  • Promotion of exchange and cooperation between international cities and companies, including sharing and dissemination of best practices